Monday, May 27, 2024

Choo Choo Charlie

Suddenly and without any proximal sensory trigger, I want some Good & Plenty candy. It turns out I can have a five-pound sack delivered right to my door for less than 25 dollars. This is, of course, from Amazon and probably five pounds is more than I need. But here’s the thing: Amazon offers me a discount if I subscribe to regular deliveries - they recommend every two months. That would be 30 pounds of Good & Plenty per annum which I’m pretty sure is more than an average person eats in an average lifetime, even assuming they like licorice.


Crotchety Dave said...

Yeah, this poses a real conundrum. I think that you could overcome the 5/30 pound issue by enlisting friends to participate in the consumption. (I'm just sayin', ya know.) However, ... you would still be buying from Amazon which is definitely akin to flirting with Satan. (Is Satan capitalized?) The man pays no taxes but has the money to make vanity flights into outer space. Do you really want to contribute to that, even for the benefit of more Good 'n' Plenty than anyone has ever imagined?

Dave Maleckar said...

Yes, Satan is capitalized. It is a proper name.
And yes, I would sell my soul for unlimited Good and Plenty.
To Satan. Not to Bezos. I have my standards.