Monday, September 28, 2020


Money is convenient because if you get a job painting a restaurant you don’t have to carry home like 70 chicken fried steaks and several enormous tubs of potato salad. Money is weird because if you’re a musician a big chunk of your pay comes from encouraging people to drink themselves to death. Money is dangerous because it lets you enjoy the labor of people half a world away without looking them in the eye. I’m more and more starting to think that money is powdered violence – dried out and ground up and sanitized so the smell isn’t so bad.

1 comment:

Nature Creek Farm said...

Yes. Powdered violence.
Bullying is not leadership, but from an evolutionary standpoint, humans are unable to tell the difference. Money represents our inability to use our tiny executive function to overcome our lizard brain desire to drink ourselves to death.
Advertising is theft of our time and attention, and we pay corporations to brainwash our children not to question how powdered violence is sprinkled over every dollar, and is less detectable than the cocaine.