Monday, April 10, 2023

Again with the shame

Last week I apologized for neglecting to inform my readers of an important national holiday and surmised that perhaps as a part of the celebrations there would be posed scenes with static costumed performers reproducing important events from our shared history. This is called “tableau vivant” in the French language and I notice now that I used an incorrect plural. It should be “tableaux vivants.” I sincerely hope that you can forgive me for any distress my error has caused. Also, it should be noted that both final consonants are silent and the plural is pronounced exactly like the singular.


Mikey said...

Because the French have devised more ways to not enunciate letters in words than any other culture in the history of mankind.
Soon, all French words will be completely silent. But still difficult to spell.

Horrible Nightmare said...

Static costumes can cause serious discomfort if one is careless