Monday, May 28, 2018

Absurder than fiction

The toilet tank was refilling periodically so I shut off the stop and sure enough the tank drained to the very bottom, past the neck of the flush valve. So I took the tank off and went to True Value on my bike for a matching shank washer and I installed it but when I reassembled the whole deal it was leaking worse than before. By then it was time to clean up and go the Columns Hotel to play a set of Dusty Springfield hits. That was yesterday. If you’re thinking, “This isn’t very funny,” well, no, it isn’t.


Mikey said...

Yes, it is. Really.

Aggie said...

Wishin' and hopin' and flushin' and sprayin'
Plumbin' and dreamin' the leakin' would stop
But looks like you still need a mop

Dave Maleckar said...

So if you're lookin' to find a way not to get drenched,
Keep plumbin' and dreamin' and cussin'
And tryin' to find the wrench