Monday, November 19, 2018

Gradually then

Note to self: When the weather turns cool it becomes way too easy to huddle at your little table in the same clothes you slept in and maybe to add a layer if the room feels chilly and before you know it in less than 24 hours you are no longer the Purposeful Man of a Certain Age Striding Confidently along the Concourse of a Busy International Airport you are instead the Musty Smelling Unshaven Codger in Sweatpants and a Peanut Butter Stained Hoodie Shuffling in Worn-Out Slippers from Room to Cluttered Room. Watch yourself buddy, is all I’m saying.


Mikey said...

I'm trying to see the downside.

Dave Maleckar said...

You make a good point. It's certainly comfy.

Bgibenbobb said...

Dave's long term plan